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International Accreditation

Earn Your Degree

with Accredited Hybrid (Online + On-Campus)

Health Professional programs

by USA, EU & International Organizations

: National University of Medical Science


National University of Medical Sciences, Madrid, Spain

National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) is founded by Dr. Shawn Pourgol, DC, DO, DN, PhD (who serves as the President and one of the Professors) and registered in Madrid, Spain (2012) & Florida, USA (2016)


National University of Medical Sciences, Florida, USA

National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) is in collaboration with Academy of Chiropractic & Osteopathic Medicine (ACOM, founded by Dr. David Na, DC, MBA) to provide Hybrid (Online + On-Campus) Health Professional Degree Programs in Asian Countries such as Korea, HongKong, Singapore, Malaysia etc.)


in USA, EU & International

* USA : California University FCE

             (Higher Education Accreditation Commission)


             (European Agency for Higher Education & Accreditation)

* International : QAHE

             (Quality Assurance in Higher Education)

* CANADA : Canadian Naturological Association (Institution Accreditation)

* USA : American Association of Natural Wellness Practitioners

             (Accredited for Osteopathic Manual Practitioner

              & for Doctor of Naprapathy to work in USA)

* NewYork : NUMS Doctor of Osteopathy (DO) is approved

             in NewYork to accept as equivalent to a Doctoral (D) level

             degree awarded by regionally accredited universities in

             the United States (21 Oct. 2022)

* Malaysia : NUMS Doctor of Naprapathy (DN) program is

             accepted by Malaysian Society for Complementary Medicine (MSCM)

             and NUMS DN graduates can join the MSCM to work in Malaysia

* Campus-based DPT program provided by NUMS

             in Pakistan with IRM (Institute  of Regenerative Medicine)

             & in Bangladesh with BPTA (Bangladesh Physical Therapy Association)

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